SmartPhone Cameras - Explained | Everything you need to know

SmartPhone Cameras – Explained

In this article we will get to know all about smartphone cameras. Smartphone cameras are most important feature that many people see while buying the smartphone. Do you think 32MP cameras will give better images than 12MP cameras? If you are a person who says YES to this question then you must read this article because the answer is absolutely NO SmartPhone Camera basics : When you click to take… Read More »SmartPhone Cameras – Explained
AmartPhone Processors - Explained | everything you need to know

SmartPhone Processors – Explained

What do you mean by Quad-core or Octa-core? What do you mean by ARM Cortex A55 or ARM Cortex A75? What do you mean by 7nm or 10nm or 17nm? What do you mean by Qualcomm Snapdragon or Samsung Exynos or Mediatek or HiSilicon? what do you mean by 1ghz or 1.3ghz or 2.3ghz? All of this and more about mobile processors will be answered in this article Okay! Let’s… Read More »SmartPhone Processors – Explained

How to share and access Files/Folders using the network in Windows.

The usual way for sharing data is through USB nowadays. But what if you don’t have any USB device with you. No problem. we can still share data by using the network. Prerequisite Devices which are involving in sharing process has to connected to the same network (i.e in-home network, all of the devices are connected to the same wifi router. In Technical terms, all sharing devices has to be… Read More »How to share and access Files/Folders using the network in Windows.